2024 4th International Conference on Information Control, Electrical Engineering and Rail Transit (ICEERT 2024)

Technical Program Committee

Technical Program Committee Chair


Prof. Frank Werner

Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany


Frank Werner was born on May 29, 1955 in Magdeburg / Germany. From 1961 to 1967 he attended the Wladimir Komarov school and then from 1967 to 1971, a top grade class in mathematics at the Clara Zetkin school. From 1971 to 1973 he attended the secondary school Geschwister Scholl in Magdeburg, and he finished high school examinations with honours in 1973. After the mandatory 18-month military service from November 1, 1973 to April 30, 1975, he started studying mathematics at the Technical University ’Otto von Guericke’ Magdeburg in September 1975, where he received the Karl Marx grant in 1978, and later he graduated in 1980 with honors. Then he started as a Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Technical University Magdeburg. In 1981, he received the Faculty Award of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. In 1984, he defended his Ph.D. thesis ‘On the solution of special sequencing pro- blems’ with ‘Summa cum laude’. Then he worked as a scientific assistent at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Technical University Magdeburg. In 1987, he had a 5-month research stay at the Polytechnical Institute in Minsk / Belarus visiting Prof. Emelicev and a one-month stay at the Banach Centre in Warsaw / Poland. In 1988, he received ‘Facultas docendi’ for teaching subjects in the area of mathematics. In 1989, Frank Werner defended his habilitation thesis ‘On the structure and approximate solution of selected combinatorial optimization problems’ at the Technical University Magdeburg. In 1992, he received a fellowship from the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation for a 6-month stay at the University of Osnabrück / Germa- ny cooperating with Prof. Brucker. In spring 1994, he taught optimization classes at the University of Uppsala / Sweden. In 1998, Frank Werner was appointed as an extraordinary professor at the Otto-von-Guericke- University in Magdeburg. Within the last 25 years, he taught a large va- riety of lectures in the areas applied mathematics and operations research, among them many in English, and he received several teaching awards in rankings by students. Since 1990, Frank Werner managed several research projects, e.g. a project supported by the German Research Society (DFG) and several projects supported by INTAS Brussels (European Communi- ty). Frank Werner has published more than 220 papers in international jour- nals and several book contributions in applied mathematics, operations research and scheduling. He is the first author of the textbook ‘Mathe- matics of Economics and Business’ (Routledge, UK/USA, 2006) and an author of the monograph ‘Scheduling under Uncertainty: Theory and Al- gorithms’ (Belarusian Science, 2010). He was also one of the two editors of the book ‘Sequencing and Scheduling with Inaccurate Data’ (Nova Science Publishers, 2014). 



Prof. Maki Habib

The American University of Cairo, Egypt


Maki Habib obtained his Doctor of Engineering Sciences (DES) in Intelligent and Autonomous Robotics from the University of Tsukuba in 1990, Japan. He was a selected research scientist at RIKEN, Japan, and senior researcher at RISO-Laboratories, Japan, and visiting researcher at EPFL, Switzerland. He was a visiting expert under Asian Development Bank (ADB), Associate Professor at UTM, Malaysia, and a Senior Manager at MCRIA for engineering projects and industrial consultation, Malaysia. He was a leading senior research scientist with GMD-Japan, Japan leading Telecooperation research group. Associate Professor with Monash University (Australia/Malaysia), he developed and led the Mechatronics Engineering program. He was appointed as a full Professor of Robotics and Mechatronics at Swinburne University (Australia/Malaysia). Then, he was an invited Professor at KAIST, South Korea, Residing Professor at Saga University, Japan, and since Sept. 2007 he is a full Professor of Robotics and Mechatronics at AUC. Habib was a visiting professor (short term) at many Universities around the world, such as, Nagasaki University-Japan, Hokkoido University-Japan, Orebro University – Sweden, Norwegian University of Science and Technology – Norway, etc. Habib served as a consultant and Technical advisor to well-known international companies including Toyota group and ABB. Habib is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Regional Editor and Associate Editor of 10 International Journals, and Editorial Board member of another 10 International Journals beside his leadership as a member of international organizing/program committee of more than 20 International Conference every year. Habib edited more than 14 books, published more than 26 book chapters and also more than 275 papers at international journals and international conferences.



Prof. Jing Yin

Changchun College of Electronic Technology, China


Jing Yin, female, 1983.9, CPC member, professor, Ph.D. (in progress) in Physical Electronics, Jilin University. Master's supervisor, deputy director of Jilin Province Information and Communication Engineering Applied Talent Cultivation Research Base. He is a tutor of science and technology entrepreneurship in Jilin Province, an expert of higher education in Jilin Education Science, a director of Jilin Society of Higher Education, a senior assessor of vocational skill level evaluation in Jilin Province, a senior member of China Simulation Society, and a special agent of science and technology in Changchun City. He is the main lecturer of "Microcontroller Principles and Applications", "Intelligent Instrument Design" and other courses, of which "Microcontroller Principles and Applications" as the course leader was awarded the "Top Gold Plan" demonstration course of the Ministry of Education's on-line center, and was awarded the Jilin Provincial Curriculum Civics and Politics Outstanding Teaching Cases. He has published 5 textbooks, presided over or participated in 15 provincial teaching and research projects, won 1 Jilin Provincial Teaching Achievement Award and 5 Jilin Provincial Educational Research Achievement Awards. Authorized 4 invention patents, 15 utility model patents, published 5 SCI, EI retrieval papers, 7 Chinese core papers, participated in the completion of Changchun City Science and Technology Development Plan key projects, presided over the Jilin Provincial Department of Education Science and Technology Research Project, participated in the completion of the horizontal key projects, presided over and completed the key projects of the school level 3.



Assoc. Prof. Katarzyna Turoń

Silesian University of Technology, Poland


Katarzyna Turoń has a DSc PhD Eng. in the discipline of civil engineering and transport. She is associate professor at the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering at Silesian University of Technology in Poland. She has authored over 150 scientific publications. Speaker at dozens of scientific conferences and expert panels. Actively cooperates with leading foreign universities and the business environment. Involved in the promotion of shared mobility services.


Technical Program Committee Member

Prof. Sadko Mandžuka, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Prof. Addisson Salazar, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

Prof. Muhammad Azmi Ayub, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

Assoc. Prof. Haifeng Zheng, Changchun College of Electronic Technology, China

Assoc. Prof. Hüseyin ÇAKIR, Gazi University, Turkey

Assoc. Prof. Zhenyu Yang, Aalborg University, Denmark

Assoc. Prof. Elsaid Mamdouh Mahmoud Zahran, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, China

Asst. Prof. Chong Zhi Lin, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia

Asst. Prof. Katarzyna Turoń, Silesian University of Technology, Poland

Dr. Koorosh Gharehbaghi, RMIT University, Australia

Dr. Fairul Anwar Abu Bakar, University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia